[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces” css=”.vc_custom_1584378837664{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2108″ img_size=”full” image_hovers=”false”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Bird removal is common in Springfield, Pa. Birds will attempt to enter your home in order to build their nests. They will enter vents, chimneys, roof vents, and attics in search of shelter. Call us today at 413-454-2711 for bird removal. We are trained in bird removal and know the best way to evict birds from your home. We will exclude the birds from your home and seal up any entrances that are allowing them to gain access.

Birds in the home are not only a nuisance, they can cause damage and run the risk of diseases. We remove the birds and their nesting from your home and can clean up the mess they have made. Removing any dead birds from your home will help to prevent diseases from spreading.

Birds in Attic

You may often find birds in the attic of your Springfield home. The sooner that you exclude them from your attic the more you will lessen the potential damage. Bird droppings are caustic and will attract insects. The insects may attract other unwanted wildlife to enter your home. If you are hearing noises in the attic, call us for an inspection. We will let you know the best way to remove the birds from your attic.

We will safely remove the birds and seal up any entry points into your home. At that point we can help you with safely cleaning the damage that the birds may have caused your home. We will safely clean the bird droppings and replace any insulation that may have been damaged as they made the attic their home.

Birds in Vents

Another common problem is birds in the vents of your Springfield home. If you see nesting materials in any of the vents of your home, then it is a good possibility that you have birds nesting there. These vents are necessary for your home and having birds nesting in them can cause you problems. Call us to safely remove the birds in the vents and then seal the vent so that they can’t return.

Commercial Bird Removal

Not only can we handle removing birds from vents and birds from attics, we also can help with commercial bird control. Birds can be a nuisance to commercial businesses. We know the best methods for keeping them from inside and on your building. Once we do an inspection of the property we will give you the best solutions to keep the birds from returning.

Birds spread dangerous diseases. Breathing in air that has been contaminated by bird droppings can leave you with a serious infection. Exposure to contaminated air from an infestation of birds can cause someone becoming seriously ill. A professional removal and cleaning ensures that you are safe from the disease that birds spread.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2196″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Humane Bird Removal Process

Birds are often a beauty to watch when they are perched on trees or are flying about, but when they start living on your building, their fascinating melodies can quickly turn into a disturbance. They are constantly fluttering their wings and chattering, which eventually swells into an irritating noise for residents.

Bird problems in houses usually occur during spring, when they are looking for places to build nests and lay their eggs. They are attracted to small spaces that protect from rain, predators, and wind. This makes your shed, attic, chimney, windows, rooflines, vents, ledges, and other spaces on the exterior of your house, a perfect nesting site for them.

Removing Birds

Birds are protected by law in most states, and removing them can cause more problems if not done right. The best decision is to contact a wildlife agency like Nuisance Wildlife Pros for assistance. However, the following are steps to take in removing birds from your building:

  • Identify the bird species

There are different kinds of birds and each exhibits different habits. The first step is to know the kind of bird you’re dealing with. Some birds are rare and have been made illegal to remove in most states.

  • Know what attracts them

Most times, your environment serves to attract birds to your house. You will find birds building their nests in areas where they have access to water from fountains, pools, and other water sources, and where they have access to food from uncovered bins, bird feeders, and fruit trees.

  • Watch for babies

Before you destroy that nest, check if there are eggs or chicks present. If there are babies there, you may want to halt the job for about 2 weeks when they would be able to fly away. If you are unable to wait that long, consider contacting Nuisance Wildlife Pros for help.

  • Remove the nest

This task should be done while wearing the right gear. Birds carry many transmittable diseases, and their droppings have been recognized to be an air hazard. Wear hand gloves and respiratory masks to protect yourself. The removed nest should be tied in a bag and properly disposed of to prevent attracting predators.

  • Clean up

The area where the nest was built should be thoroughly disinfected. This helps get rid of lingering diseases, mold, droppings, and bird scent.

Tips for Removing Birds

  • Do not poison the birds. Not only is it inhumane to poison birds, but it is also illegal and dangerous for you. Dead or sick birds easily spread diseases to humans, and they attract predators who could take up residence in your house.
  • Do not trap birds. The process of capturing birds does more harm to birds and could kill them. Also, trapping them to release in another location does not solve your problem, because they will return.
  • Use physical deterrents such as plastic owls, snakes, and coyotes. These plastic predators should be strategically placed around your house and should be changed regularly.
  • Use sonic devices that make sounds to scare away the birds. Before you purchase one, make sure the sound recording is that of a live bird or predator.

Once birds have established a place to stay, they rarely leave except when they are forced, or if the food in that area is scarce.

The most effective way to ensure the birds are permanently removed is to hire professional agencies who will inspect your house for possible nesting sites, install nettings, wires, and spikes, to prevent birds from landing on your building, remove the things that attract birds to your house, and relocate the birds humanely and legally. Learn more about humanely trapping birds at pestcontrolbird.com.

At Nuisance Wildlife Pros, we offer these services at a friendly price. Let’s help you today.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2228″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The Damage Caused By birds

Most homeowners have come across pesky birds on their property at one point or another in their life. So have we, at Nuisance Wildlife Pros, and in this time, we’ve seen all the types of damage that birds can cause on human property. And that is what we’re going to be sharing with you in the following article. We’ll take you through the most common types of damage birds can cause to your property.

Bird droppings can destroy your roof.

We’re not kidding. Bird poo is very acidic (which is also true about bat droppings, also known as guano). As such, accumulated bird droppings can eat away at your roofing, eventually causing leaks, and other problems. Not only that, by creating tiny cracks, holes and gaps in your roof, bat feces can also create an entry point for other wildlife intruders into your attic, and subsequently, into the rest of your home.

Not only that, but the corrosive nature of bat droppings can also harm other things on your property, including machinery, such as your air conditioning system.

Birds are a serious health hazard, and should be perceived as such.

One of the most common problems we’ve noticed with homeowners dealing with intrusive birds is that they don’t take them seriously. See, birds tend to appear less aggressive or threatening than other animals, since they don’t burrow, dig, or cause a general ruckus on your property.

Nevertheless, birds pose a very serious, very real health hazard, since they are well-known carriers of a wide range of vicious, potentially life-threatening diseases. And they should be treated as such, because they can contaminate your living area, water supply, and thus your whole family.

Birds can cause some serious physical damage, too.

Another thing we, at Nuisance Wildlife Pros, keep seeing is actual physical damage caused by massive birds. Depending on the aggressiveness and the sheer size of a bird, it can dislodge roof tiles, or cause other such problems.

Once again, this poses a problem, as it allows other wild intruders to get inside your home, aside from the obvious damage itself.

They can also bring in insects and bugs.

Birds are also known as a carrier of various beetles, insects, fleas, ticks, and other undesirable pests. By their mere presence on your property, they can usher in these insects, and cause them to infest your home, leading to full-on infestations that may require professional intervention.

Clogged pipes, drains, and fire hazards.

Then, of course, there’s the problem with nesting. By making a home inside your drains or pipes, birds can eventually cause these to clog, leading to flooding, and other unpleasantries.

Not only that, but pesky birds have also been known to nest inside chimneys, which can pose a serious fire hazard, because when you set a fire, their nests can light up, setting the rest of the property on fire, as well.

Birds can get aggressive.

While the instances of birds biting people are fairly rare, they still happen. Many birds have been known to become aggressive, either when protecting their young, or as the effect of a disease. As such, they can lash out at you, your children, or your pets.

What can you do?

If you’re dealing with birds on your property, we recommend calling in a professional wildlife removal company, like Nuisance Wildlife Pros, to get rid of them for you. The sooner you remove birds from your property, the less damage they’ll cause, which is why we urge you to act fast. Naturally, a wildlife removal professional can also advise you on how to prevent other bird invasions in the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2299″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

How to Keep Pigeons Out Of The Roof?

No matter where you are in the world, pigeons tend to divide the population in two, with one-half loving, and the other ardently hating them. Regardless of which side you fall on, one truth remains – keeping pigeons around your home is generally not a good idea. Even if you are a fan of the winged critters, you may discover they’re not as cute and innocent as you think.

In fact, pigeons – like most other nuisance birds – carry a hoard of bacteria, and their presence is practically exposing you to serious disease. So here are some tips for keeping pigeons away from your roof.

  • Birds to scare off more birds.

A common pigeon repellent used by homeowners is a special decoy bird (like a plastic hawk or an owl). Installing this on a perch near your house can efficiently keep pigeons, as well as other landbound nuisance wildlife (like raccoons, mice, and so on) temporarily.

However, this isn’t a long-term solution, because, after a while, the pigeons will get used to the fake, and realize what it is. Knowing that the predatory bird can fly off its perch and hurt them makes them considerably less scared to approach your property.

On the bright side, you can always install a perch in the hopes of attracting a real owl or hawk, although this may carry its own issues.

  • Remove attractions.

Obviously, if a pigeon’s taken up residence on your property, it must have its reasons. So a good preventive measure is to remove common attractions like bird feeders, birdbaths, or other sources of food and water that might be attracting the pigeons.

  • Make it shiny.

Birds tend to be repelled by shiny surfaces, such as old CDs or aluminum foil. Because of its reflective nature, a shiny surface seems foreign, and thus dangerous, to a pigeon looking to roost.

So an effective way to keep pigeons out of your roof may be to put up aluminum foil, or upside-down CDs to put them off. For this purpose, the reflective tape also works well.

  • Sound them off.

If you thought wind chimes were just a pretty addition to make your house hipper, think again. Wind chimes are a double-edged sword against bird intruders. For one, many chimes are at least partly shiny, and so work as described above to scare the birds off. Secondly, when the wind blows through them, the melodious sound they make also serves to scare pigeons. For them, it is a foreign sound and ought to be avoided.

  • Anti-nesting spikes.

A lot of people consider anti-nesting spikes to be an inhumane bird repellent, but that’s not quite the case. The purpose of these sharp metal spikes is, naturally, to deter the birds from sitting on them. The gist is, however, that birds aren’t actually stupid enough to sit on a sharp metal spike. They see the spikes from up in the air and avoid sitting on them, and subsequently on your roof.

Thus, anti-nesting spikes can be a very effective bird deterrent, especially if other, softer options haven’t worked.

  • Anti-roosting gels.

These are a sort of variant of the spikes we just discussed. When applied to your roof, these gels form a sticky, unpleasant substance that gets under the pigeon’s claws, and most birds don’t like that. However, because of constant exposure to the elements, these gels – through effective – will need to be reapplied to your roof constantly, to maintain their potency.

If all else fails, don’t be afraid to call a professional wildlife removal company for help in removing the troublesome pigeons![/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2310″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

How to Keep Birds Out Of The Soffit?

The soffit is an essential part of your home structure, as it takes the water, and protects your roof from rotting, or your home from absorbing moisture. So it’s understandably unpleasant to find there are birds nesting in your soffit, and preventing it from doing what it’s meant to. In time, birds in the soffit can lead to extensive damage, such as dislodged roof tiles, as well as a buildup of dangerous bird droppings on your property.

This is why we’re focusing today on the things you can do to keep birds out of your soffit and maintain the soffit working as it should.

A word on bird removal…

If you’ve already got birds nesting in your soffit, this article may not be of much use, since these preventive measures aren’t as likely to work. So what can you do? Since most birds are protected by law in most states, attempting to remove the birds might not be such a solid option, and so we don’t recommend trying that.

In many states, only professional wildlife removal companies are authorized to handle the removal of birds from human properties. So we recommend educating yourself on the regulations in your area, and if suitable, calling a wildlife removal company.

Ways to prevent birds from nesting in your soffit

But what are the things you can do to keep birds away from your soffit and discourage them from nesting there, in the first place?

  • Install a bird box.

Birds can actually make pleasant companions and house guests, as long as they’re not nesting where they shouldn’t. So a great way to stop them from doing that is by installing a dedicated bird box.

A bird box is, basically, a bird home – a space where the birds are free to build their nests, and raise their young, without bothering you or destroying your home. If you like, you may even install a bird bath or bird feeder, to make their lives more pleasant. However, keep in mind that the presence of either of these things may also end up attracting other wildlife, which might not be in your best interest.

  • Remove food sources.

The reason why there are birds in your soffit is that they’ve most likely discovered a readily available source of food somewhere nearby. So if you want to get rid of them, the best thing you can do is eliminate that.

Common attraction points for birds include exposed trash cans or garden patches. So try moving your trash cans to an indoor area, or covering them more thoroughly. Make sure you also clean your bins regularly to avoid buildup on the exterior.

If you suspect your garden patch of being the main attraction, we strongly recommend placing protective netting over your garden, to keep birds off.

  • Use a natural predator.

There are two options to this. You can either purchase a fake predator (like a fake owl, or a hawk) and install it somewhere on your property, to mark it as undesirable for birds. This can be efficient, but only temporarily, since birds will eventually figure out the ruse.

Alternatively, you can install a perch in the hopes of attracting a real predator, to keep birds off, though that may come with its own set of problems.

  • Make it shiny.

Birds tend to be scared of shiny surfaces like aluminum foil or CDs, so adding these to your roof or around your soffit can deter the birds from nesting up there.

  • Use spikes.

You can also opt for anti-nesting spikes, which you can install around the soffit and roof to keep birds off. Don’t worry – the birds recognize the potential danger, and won’t actually sit on them!
